Joe Rogan Podcast discusion thread

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by DUCKMOUTH, May 13, 2012.

  1. I<3privatedances

    I<3privatedances enjoys himself in the champagne room
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    I tried the New Mood a couple of months ago and the thing that stood out was I felt tired and drowsy the following day. I did feel a little more relaxed after taking it at night.
  2. Heavy Mental

    Heavy Mental non serviam

    The guy was pretty out there, imo. I came away from that episode thinking that Duesberg's view was total bullshit. It's pretty amazing that he's so widely acclaimed in other fields, and is a legitimate genius in regards to cancer research.
  3. colonelrascals

    colonelrascals Mayonnaise-colored Benz, I push miracle whips
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    none of it yields results for me.

    edit: i forgot about new mood, good shit

    DUCKMOUTH People don’t you know, don’t you know
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadPoker

    Good stuff.

    FourClover01 likes this.
  5. swiggle

    swiggle Ya'll finished or ya'll done?
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsArizona CardinalsSt. Louis BluesLiverpool


    currently listening to the Dennis McKenna episode. interesting shit
    Marty Kaan, FourClover01 and Corch like this.
  6. Corch

    Corch My son got the Denver Nuggets jeans
    Ohio State BuckeyesDenver NuggetsCleveland CavaliersCleveland Indians

    Love when they go deep inside the rabbit hole.

    It doesn't happen every episode but when it does it's great stuff.
  7. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    I've only listened to the first 1:35, but that guy talking about going home and writing jokes after being inspired, Bryan Callen, went home and wrote some baaad jokes. His special was on the other night and I might have made it through 5 minutes. For a guy with such funny and interesting friends, he didn't have good jokes.
  8. swiggle

    swiggle Ya'll finished or ya'll done?
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsArizona CardinalsSt. Louis BluesLiverpool

    yeah, his Showtime special was pretty awful
  9. Corch

    Corch My son got the Denver Nuggets jeans
    Ohio State BuckeyesDenver NuggetsCleveland CavaliersCleveland Indians

    Ari Shaffir is pretty funny.
    cegtfc likes this.
  10. FourClover01


    He just keeps bringing on great new quest, mixed with the regulars. His podcast def helps me get through work.
    Marty Kaan likes this.

    DUCKMOUTH People don’t you know, don’t you know
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadPoker

    It's pretty amazing to me what Rogan and Callen do. Both do great podcast that are entertaining and thought provoking. However their standup sucks(avg at best). Really is a shame because I think lots of folks don't give the podcast a chance due to their standup.

    However I am holding out hope that Rogans new special that just came out or is coming out will be good.
  12. FourClover01


    I actually just bought it last night and watched it. I fall into the same boat: I think Rogan is one of the best podcast personalities out there, but his comedy just doesn't make me fall over a lmao. His new special had some moments and I could tell it was a well thought-out hour of new shit, but it just didn't make me laugh that hard.

    I am huge comedy fan and have even gone up on stage a few times myself but there are guys out there that I find much more funny. Yet I enjoy the shit out of the Joe Rogan experience. Please still buy his new special and support Joe with a nice 5$ donation. Some people might find it very funny, I just was a little under whelmed with his new special. I saw him in Ann Arbor about a year and half ago, and it was pretty funny, but he had Tom Segura open for him and I thought Tom was actually more funny.


    "Go buy it you Biatch's!"
    Heavy Mental likes this.
  13. Marty Kaan

    Marty Kaan By any means necessary

    i daresay i find the joe rogan podcast more enjoyable than the howard stern show
    MoJo and I<3privatedances like this.
  14. colonelrascals

    colonelrascals Mayonnaise-colored Benz, I push miracle whips
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    I bought and watched last night, my deal is a figured Joe knows he can go out there and Joe Rogan the personality and not the comedian. You can tell it by his new shit, most of his old stand up is fucking hilarious but its easy to lose that when you sell out no matter where you go.

    DUCKMOUTH People don’t you know, don’t you know
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadPoker

    I will buy it. His podcast is free and has entertained for a long time. I got no problem throwing 5 bucks at the dude even though I probably won't enjoy it .
  16. swiggle

    swiggle Ya'll finished or ya'll done?
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsArizona CardinalsSt. Louis BluesLiverpool

    I never really found his old stuff all that funny. But since listening to the podcast and seeing him live, I think he's much funnier than I used to.

    His special was alright. I thought it got better as it went on. Thought the part about his wife giving birth was pretty damn funny.

    DUCKMOUTH People don’t you know, don’t you know
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadPoker

    Really enjoying Bryan Callens own podcast. Dude is very smart.

    Highly recommend episode 25 with Hunter Maats
  18. swiggle

    swiggle Ya'll finished or ya'll done?
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsArizona CardinalsSt. Louis BluesLiverpool


    DUCKMOUTH People don’t you know, don’t you know
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadPoker

    Found on youtube. Such a good listen.

  20. Corch

    Corch My son got the Denver Nuggets jeans
    Ohio State BuckeyesDenver NuggetsCleveland CavaliersCleveland Indians

  21. I<3privatedances

    I<3privatedances enjoys himself in the champagne room
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    I've found myself using the word cunt a lot more since I started listening to his podcast.
    Corch, FourClover01 and cegtfc like this.
  22. swiggle

    swiggle Ya'll finished or ya'll done?
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsArizona CardinalsSt. Louis BluesLiverpool

    It was pretty fucking good. Although they spent way too much time talking about the moon landing.
    FourClover01 likes this.
  23. FourClover01


    He has been pumping out a bunch lately. I am about 4-5 behind need to catch up over the weekend.
    cegtfc likes this.
  24. FourClover01


    Is there an app out to listen to his podcast? That would be fantastic if there was.

    DUCKMOUTH People don’t you know, don’t you know
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadPoker

    Not sure but they are free on iTunes.
  26. FourClover01


    Joe Rogan calls it as he sees it on podcast, onstage

    By Jason Bracelin
    Posted: Feb. 1, 2013

    Piece of advice when speaking with Joe Rogan: Don't goof on the Sasquatch.

    "If someone started making fun of Bigfoot right now, I couldn't help myself," the comedian, UFC commentator, former "Fear Factor" and current podcast host says. "I would go, 'Well, actually, there's an animal called Gigantopithecus. It existed in Asia and very well could have come down the Bering Strait with human beings. You're not talking about fantasy; you're talking about an actual animal that anthropologists say existed no later than 14,000 or 15,000 years ago, which makes it coexist with people.' "

    Rogan's a good talker - candid, funny, congenial and as free with his words as the tipsy dude at the office Christmas party telling the boss how he really feels.

    He's especially fond of discussing, at great length and with even greater enthusiasm, topics that can be hard to get one's brain around (the creation of ancient Inca city Machu Picchu, John Travolta's rumored sexual proclivities, the existence of extraterrestrial life forms, and shaggy forest dwellers share their name with a monster truck).

    It's these last two subjects, in particular, that are hard to talk about seriously and be taken seriously, not dismissed as a pothead and/or conspiracy theorist (Rogan is admittedly a bit of both).

    "If you go around at work talking about aliens, people think you're an idiot, and no one wants to be thought of as an idiot," he says. "When people have these thoughts in their heads, they sort of keep them to themselves."

    Rogan doesn't keep much of anything to himself, and this is a prime reason why his podcast, "The Joe Rogan Experience," has become one of the most popular shows of its kind, regularly ranking among the top 10 downloaded comedy podcasts on iTunes.

    On it, Rogan hosts comedians (Doug Stanhope), astrophysicists (Neil Degrasse Tyson), outdoorsmen (Steve Rinella), psychedelic artists (Alex Grey), nutritionists (Rich Roll), musicians (Maynard James Keenan) and others in lengthy, free-range conversations that often stretch for more than two hours and lance such conversational taboos as, say, talking to a guest about sex toys.

    You could say that Rogan goes off topic, but considering that being on topic is seldom a goal, that would seem to miss the point.

    His podcast chats are like the organic alternative to the manufactured, preplanned interview, Whole Foods vs. hormone-enhanced McDonald's.

    "It's sort of random access, whatever comes up, comes up," Rogan says. "With other podcasts or interview shows, I think they would think that would be a distraction, a bad thing, to not spend the entire two hours discussing a person's field of expertise. But I like talking to people about everything, man."

    In a way, Rogan's podcast is reflective of his stand-up routine, which is both topical, with Rogan offering alternately pointed and profane takes on gay marriage, evolution and religion in a voice that bounces up and down like kids on a trampoline, and more flippant, such as when he extols the joys of watching "Roadhouse" while high and questions the wisdom of talking dogs in anti-pot commercials ("You might want to stop eating out of the litter box before you go giving out advice. It's kind of hard to take you serious when you've got litter crumbs stuck to your wet nose," Rogan says of the offending pooch on his 2009 comedy album "Talking Monkeys in Space").

    But there's also a more holistic side to Rogan's humor.

    He's fond of skewering New Age gurus such as Dr. Phil and Deepak Chopra, but, in a way, he's become one himself, a self-professed dirty comic advocating (mostly) clean living, forever extolling the benefits of a healthy diet and rigorous exercise, of kale shakes and kettle bells.

    "I can't tell you how many times I come to shows and I run into a guy who says, 'Dude, ever since I started listening to your podcast, I lost 60 pounds, I started working out, I'm drinking kale shakes every morning for breakfast, I feel fantastic," he says proudly.

    A decorated, lifelong martial artist, Rogan's a tough guy who doesn't carry himself as a tough guy. Basically, he's a conscientious man's man, a jiujitsu humanist.

    In his high school cafeteria, Rogan would have been equally at home sitting with the jocks or the burnouts, and the point is there really isn't much dividing the two.

    Mostly though, Rogan just preaches the merits of being a nice guy, doing little things, such as leaving a $100 tip on a $10 bar tab, which he says he does frequently.

    "I do it because, for me, it's a cheap way to make people feel good," Rogan says. "A guy's a waiter, he gives you a beer, you give him $100 and you go, 'That's all you, brother.' He's goes, 'Whoa, really?' You see him smile. Being generous, being friendly like that is a very important part of being a human being and a very overlooked aspect of interacting with people. We get a lot of that rubbing off on people from the podcast."

    Said podcast has significantly boosted Rogan's already well-established comedy career in recent years, garnering him a bigger, more increasingly rabid fan base that's become its own culture, a kind of all-inclusive in-club.

    Because he's so forthcoming on the "Experience," so eager to talk about things that others often shy away from, people feel like they know him, feel comfortable around him, for better or worse.

    "Five seconds into my show the other day in Denver, I had a girl jump onstage with a big bag of marijuana," Rogan sighs. "First of all, 'What the hell are you doing onstage with me? And why did you bring me pot? Get out of here.' People are nuts."

    Maybe so, but examining humankind's conceits - and frequently eviscerating them - is what Rogan does best, what's made him famous.

    He may tackle plenty of far-out topics, but when the conversation turns to his own success, and how unlikely it reads on paper, that might be the murkiest subject of them all.

    Think aliens are far-fetched?

    Look at this guy's career.

    "It seems like it doesn't work at all," Rogan acknowledges. "It seems like that would be the last thing that you would want to hear onstage: a guy who's a trained killer who's also a joker."
    DUCKMOUTH, I<3privatedances and Corch like this.

    DUCKMOUTH People don’t you know, don’t you know
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadPoker

    It's a shame so many people dismiss him as the UCF/Fear Factor guy. Dude really has a great thing going and to me has become a great public voice for folks like me. He is well read, smart and not afraid to say what he is thinking or call someone out if needed.

    His comedy sucks, but his podcast is much more than comedy. Big fan.
  28. FourClover01


    Rick Ross was on again a few days ago, one of my favorite guest.
  29. FourClover01


    Any of you guys listen to the Melissa Ethridge podcast (321)? Fucking fantastic, one of the better podcast in the last 6 months.
  30. Corch

    Corch My son got the Denver Nuggets jeans
    Ohio State BuckeyesDenver NuggetsCleveland CavaliersCleveland Indians

    I did.

    Almost didn't listen to it because I was a skeptical hippo but definitely was surprised. Definitely one of the better ones.
    FourClover01 likes this.

    DUCKMOUTH People don’t you know, don’t you know
    Southern Mississippi Golden EaglesNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadPoker

    Thought is was ok. Tim Ferris most recent one was great, but every time he is on it is great.
    cegtfc and Corch like this.
  32. Truman

    Truman Well-Known Member
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    Anything good lately. Haven't listened in a while.

    None of the guests have sparked my interest.
  33. UA412

    UA412 Well-Known Member
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    In case you never found out, the guys wrong.
  34. FourClover01


    The Neal Brennan latest episode is pretty good.

    Tom and Christina were just on, a good one if you are looking to laugh.
  35. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    Literally just finishing this on a train right now.

    Him talking about his shitty memory being a part of his depression was interesting for me. About 6 six years ago I'm pretty sure I was depressed and I have had a markedly worse memory since that time. I used to be awesome with names and faces and now I'm pretty terrible, and I can't recall words sometimes.
    FourClover01 likes this.
  36. I<3privatedances

    I<3privatedances enjoys himself in the champagne room
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    Yeah no shit, I was hoping we had someone on here that knew what they were talking about and explain exactly why what he was saying was nonsense.
  37. UA412

    UA412 Well-Known Member
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    Good intro to the rejections of his claims. Should be easy to understand.
  38. UA412

    UA412 Well-Known Member
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    Arizona Wildcats

    Good intro to the rejections of his claims. Should be easy to understand.
  39. Truman

    Truman Well-Known Member
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    Jork he is in Chicago next Friday. are you going to see him? You usually do, right?

    Thought the one w the ex Baltimore Cop was really good/ interesting. Worth a listen imo
    FourClover01 and Jork like this.
  40. Voodoo

    Voodoo Fan of: Notre Dame
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishTottenham HotspurSan Francisco Giants

    The one with the cop might be my favorite ever episode.
    Jork likes this.
  41. Jork

    Jork Just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick
    Staff Donor

    I am indeed going. Taking a business associate, so I get to expense it too (did the same when he was here last year). Callen is opening. Never seen him live for standup, so I'm looking forward to that. Joey Diaz will be at Zanie's next week, so I'm going to see him on Thursday as well.


    I missed the one with Dominic Monaghan from a while back and I'm listening to it now. Pretty good.
    Truman likes this.
  42. Truman

    Truman Well-Known Member
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    Nice. I dont find his stand up all that funny. At least not enough to go see him. Joey Diaz @ a place like Zanies sounds amazing.
  43. Jork

    Jork Just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick
    Staff Donor

    I saw Diaz at Zanie's last year too and I thought I was going to have a seizure/aneurysm/stroke out because I was laughing so hard.

    I don't love Callen as much as some of the other regulars (Diaz, Segura, etc), so he may not be as good, but he's the only one Joe has on that often that I haven't seen yet.
    FourClover01 likes this.
  44. FourClover01


    Cop episode was very solid.

    I am liking the 3 way chemistry between Joe, Callen and Schaub lately. Always solid on the MMA podcast along with just the regular ones. I have listen to a couple of the "Fighter and the Kid" podcast (they're ok) but the 3 of them together is a nice Trio.
  45. Truman

    Truman Well-Known Member
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  46. Swt

    Swt Well-Known Member
    TMB OG

    Didn't know you had a Rogan podcast thread. Listen to this shit like it's my job.

    Where has Edgie bruh been? seems like forever since i've heard anything from him.
    FourClover01 likes this.
  47. Swt

    Swt Well-Known Member
    TMB OG

    What did Ari do now? I was looking at the last youtube video and there are tons of SJW sounding comments. I figured he's have a bunch of Stern fan hate but doubt those crowds are similar.

  48. Killy Me Please

    Killy Me Please I lift things up and put people down.

    Haven't kept up. Has he covered ufc 189 at all?
  49. Swt

    Swt Well-Known Member
    TMB OG

    No, hasnt even done a podcast since before 189. Wanted to hear him talk about it all week. Think i saw a tweet that hes doing one with that rhonda patrick woman tomorrow. Doubt he'll talk about it much with her either.
  50. Killy Me Please

    Killy Me Please I lift things up and put people down.